Fratelli Branca



Sernova is a unique vodka starting fron the name itself: resulting from the fusion of “Novare Serbando”, the motto of Fratelli Branca Distillerie, which represents the willingness of the company to innovate, in the respect of tradition.

Sernova Vodka is unique, sophisticated and all Italian. Produced with Italian wheat and the purest water, it is the result of knoeldge and passion of the Fratelli Branca Distillerie. The production process comprises of 5 phases of distillation and 10 more filtrations, during which Sernova becomes refined and perfected.
The bottle style used recalls the typical Bordolese, the wine bottle synonymous of the Mediterranean. Its colors recall the Italian Flag.
The center of the label represents the centrality of the quality of the raw materials in the formula, while the closure in sealing wax adds distinctivity and excellence. Finally the eagle is the seal of approval, the signature of Distillerie Branca.

Pure in its transparence and luminosity, to the nose you sense full and round notes, deriving from the grain. To the palate it has a warm taste, embracing, clean and balanced.

It’s preferable to savor it near to appreciate the aromatic notes or on ice, for a refreshing experience.
It is also ideal for original cocktails.


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FRATELLI BRANCA DISTILLERIE S.p.A. © 2024 |Via Broletto 35, 20121 Milano
Iscritta al R. I. di Milano al n. 00720670157 – Codice Fiscale e P.IVA n.: 00720670157 Capitale Sociale Euro 1.500.000,00 i.v.